November Resource List Update

As a group and as individuals, we have been thinking and talking about the national election results for the past few weeks, as we imagine all of you have been doing. As you’d expect, we have questions and hopes and fears, but there’s one thing we feel clear about: our unwavering commitment to each other, to you, and to the work we all do together. In that spirit, we offer our big resource list, updated regularly and shared every other month here on our blog.

“Never forget how alone we are not. The moss, the mountains, the redwood tree, the marigold, the mourning dove calling for her love’s return—are our allies. Every natural thing in this world is invested in the peace of this world. All that is good and gracious whispers, ‘We are with you.’”
- Andrea Gibson

“To vision futures is to conjure something that sits outside of your time and circumstance while being firmly rooted in the moment. To listen for the calls of what is not yet here but is waiting just in the wings. The way that Harriet did. Even in the most unsteady and dangerous of times, even now, we need our imaginations, and we need visions.”
- Prentis Hemphill


January Resource List Update


New Article Series on Cultural Appreciation