Fulfilling Our Promise: Becoming Inclusive Waldorf Communities

from $400.00

Scroll down for more info about the individual cohort for Fulfilling Our Promise!

Our pricing structure:

$2,500: School-funded, school budget over $2M

$1,200: School-funded, school budget $1-2M

$1,000: School-funded, school budget under $1M

$800: Self-pay, household income over $150K

$600: Self-pay, household income under $150K

$400: Self-pay, household income under $75K

Group discount for schools sending 3 or more participants. Contact us for the discount code at connect@almapartners.net.

Note: Pricing is per person. Our sliding-scale pricing is intended to make our courses accessible to as many people as possible. Please pay the most you are able to afford, in order to keep lower-price spots open for those who need them. If you are in a double-income family or household, have savings or inherited wealth, own your home, and/or can afford vacations, please consider contributing at a higher tier.

Price Point:
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Scroll down for more info about the individual cohort for Fulfilling Our Promise!

Our pricing structure:

$2,500: School-funded, school budget over $2M

$1,200: School-funded, school budget $1-2M

$1,000: School-funded, school budget under $1M

$800: Self-pay, household income over $150K

$600: Self-pay, household income under $150K

$400: Self-pay, household income under $75K

Group discount for schools sending 3 or more participants. Contact us for the discount code at connect@almapartners.net.

Note: Pricing is per person. Our sliding-scale pricing is intended to make our courses accessible to as many people as possible. Please pay the most you are able to afford, in order to keep lower-price spots open for those who need them. If you are in a double-income family or household, have savings or inherited wealth, own your home, and/or can afford vacations, please consider contributing at a higher tier.

Scroll down for more info about the individual cohort for Fulfilling Our Promise!

Our pricing structure:

$2,500: School-funded, school budget over $2M

$1,200: School-funded, school budget $1-2M

$1,000: School-funded, school budget under $1M

$800: Self-pay, household income over $150K

$600: Self-pay, household income under $150K

$400: Self-pay, household income under $75K

Group discount for schools sending 3 or more participants. Contact us for the discount code at connect@almapartners.net.

Note: Pricing is per person. Our sliding-scale pricing is intended to make our courses accessible to as many people as possible. Please pay the most you are able to afford, in order to keep lower-price spots open for those who need them. If you are in a double-income family or household, have savings or inherited wealth, own your home, and/or can afford vacations, please consider contributing at a higher tier.

Fulfilling Our Promise

Becoming Inclusive Waldorf Communities

Waldorf schools have made both a historical and a renewed promise to students and families: a promise to provide a healing and transformative education. 

Fulfilling Our Promise: Becoming Inclusive Waldorf Communities is an offering created to support this effort.

Hosted by Alma Partners

10 Sunday evenings on Zoom:

4-5:30pm PT / 7-8:30pm ET

Orientation: September 8, 2024

Module 0: October 6, 2024

Module 1: November 10, 2024

Module 2: December 8, 2024

Module 3: January 12, 2025

Module 4: February 9, 2025

Module 5: March 9,2025

Module 6: April 13, 2025

Module 7: May 18th, 2025

Closing: June 8, 2025

In this newly revised and fresh edition of our online course, Alma Partners will accompany participants through eight modules that will acquaint them with the DEIJ landscape and deepen the potential of transformative change in their communities.

In addition to the online course itself, participants will meet monthly in a cross- school facilitated discussion of the material.

Each module has a different focus, and will build on the work of the previous module. Topics covered include: participant-centered facilitation, DEIJ key concepts, microaggressions and micro interventions, racial identity development, inclusive admissions, and more! 

Participants will gain access to our 8-module online course for schools and organizations, designed to acquaint them with the DEIJ landscape and deepen the potential for transformation in their communities. In addition to the course itself, participants will meet monthly in discussion groups.

Our hope is that Fulfilling Our Promise can inform participants and their school communities– enriching awareness, connection across differences, and ultimately the safety and belonging of all students, faculty, staff, families, and individuals.

Participants will:

  • Engage in self-selected learning tracks that meet their needs and reflect their identities

  • Interact with a variety of carefully curated content that includes reading, writing, video, audio, and self-reflective writing activities

  • Develop tools for facilitating participant-centered conversations in their school communities and with colleagues on DEIJ key concepts and course content 

  • Connect across schools, as a part of a cohort who meets monthly for inspiration and to learn from each other

Cost: Sliding scale from $2,500 - $400 and a group discount for schools sending 3 or more participants. (Contact us for the discount code if you are coming as a group.)

*Please note: in alignment with the Alma Partners core value of Centering Relationship, we do not record our sessions! Please plan to attend all ten sessions.

Join us as we gather to learn, practice and deepen our understanding of DEIJ principles, pedagogy and approach for ten inspiring months. 

Return to your school community nourished by deep work, new connections, and established resources to share — supporting growth and the transformation of your entire school community.

Pedagogical Storytelling for Early Childhood
from $400.00